IBINK - Author: David Bennett (1:280/307) - Date: 3/7/91 - Version: 1.0 ----- Convert's IMAIL generated ARCMail attaches to Binkley .?LO entires Usage: IBINK Where: - Is the directory that 'IMAIL SCAN' creates the ARCMail attaches (###.MSG files) in. - Is the base (zone 1) outbound specification for BinkleyTerm. Diatribe: I can't help myself, I have to jump on this one. As quoted in the IMAIL 1.10 documentation... "... mailers such as Binkley will not work correctly with IMAIL. I made this choice because the method adopted by Binkley is NOT standard (please refer to the FTS and/or FSC series of documents for more information), and I currently have no intention of supporting it." I would have to take sides with Fabiano's interpatation of FidoNet standards. If applied to ISO/OSI Reference Model the .MSG format belongs to the 'Application layer' of a Fidonet implementation. The following quoted text is from the FTS-0001 spec... "The application layer is outside the domain of a FidoNet standard, as it is the layer that the user's application sees as opposed to what FidoNet sees. In recent months, there has been sufficient confusion and discussion about the format of data at this level to warrant the description of the data structure, the message as it is stored by Fido, SEAdog, and Rover. Perfectly valid FidoNet systems may be implemented whose stored messages differ greatly from this format. " This text goes on to document the .MSG format for informative purposes... -- end of quote -- Why am I taking the time to argue this point? I am tired of people claiming that Binkley is not Fidonet standard software! The ARCMail file-attach method is a kludge at best! Binkley's FLO attach files are a =much= more streamlined and straight-forward way of sending files and do not require deciphering binary message headers for a system operator to see what's going on! Never the less, IMAIL is a good echomail processor for QBBS/RA and does have no-cost for non-commercial use stipulation in it's license agreement. It will have to do until I write a source distributable echomail processor for the Hudson message base format. It =will= support Binkley! Sample Batch file Segment: Basically remeber to call IBINK everytime you call IMAIL SCAN... ... mailer negotiation etc ... RA if errorlevel 5 goto scan_outbound if errorlevel 4 goto scan_outbound if errorlevel 3 goto scan_outbound goto start :scan_outbound IMAIL SCAN IBINK C:\BT\OUTBOUND C:\RA\NETMAIL goto bundle ... etc ... Notes: - Multi-Zone attaches are supported by using the ^AINTL kludge. Binkley OUTBOUND.### zone directories are created if they don't exist. - It is recommended that you supply a different directory for IMAIL's outbound specification than your Binkley outbound directory. I use \BT\OUTARC as - Requirements for a .MSG file-attach to be converted: - must be addressed to "ARCMail" - 'attached' attribute must be set - 'local' attribute must be set - if 'hold' is set the extension becomes .HLO (precedence over crash) - if 'crash' is set the extension becomes .CLO (precedence over direct) - if 'direct' is set the extention becomes .DLO - if 'killsent' attribute is set then .MSG is unlinked after .?LO is updated Source Code: Is included, In the spirit of BinkleyTerm... As an extra perk for 'C' programmers, a module is included that will allow you to parse Fido address strings into a structure and back. FIDOADR.C & FIDOADR.H see these files for more information. Comments, Suggestions, Etc.... David Bennett BenNETt BBS Host System Fidonet: 1:280/307 (Latest version file requestable as IBINK) Phone: 816/228-3204